
Does anybody had in mind a corrupt-free system of government?

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Does anybody had in mind a corrupt-free system of government?




  1. People + power = corruption, even on a scale of 3 people.

  2. limited government

  3. A person in political office should not be allowed to serve more thqn two termes in office.  The onse who do usually end nup corruptd by the loby-ists

  4. Should there be a Creator of man, with full knowledge of His creature's potentials and weaknesses, be alone to establish laws for his subject. Being a Creator, He cannot err nor may fall short of providing what is best for man, and most of all, He does not have any self interest. While man, as soon as he sat down to make laws for himself and for(others), what really should benefit himself will be foremost in his mind and that will reflect in the law he is intending to make. That is why man is basically corrupt if he is left to look after himself without Someone more than him to which he believed and feared he will render an account one day for all his actions. This is the reason, I presumed, why man faces only misery in his short stay in the world ... for he tried to establish laws for himself that it is not in his prerogative to do. That right to establish rests only in the hands of his Creator and not in his. It is therefore only laws decreed by the Creator and Maintainer of man that should be adapt by any government to become corrupt-free. This, of course, be founded on the fear of Him. Fear of His punishment and fear to become corrupt. Opting for any other way than this, we can continually see wolves after wolves taking our goverments and implementing laws after laws that only will lead the world to an inevitable pathetic end!

  5. Government that imposes death penalty for corrupt officials.

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