
Does anybody has used or is using DAN as a method to treat Autism?

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My daughter is 26 months old, and she has Autism, she is in the Early Intervention Program and receiving OT, PT, SP. and Play Therapy, and hopefully soon she will star on ABA. One of my friend told me to check on DAN, i did some research, but i still need more opinions, from real people, not from any of those websites that i visited. What do you think? Its working? How long before seeing any results? Was it very expensive?

Please give me any advice, and all the information that you can give me, I'm open mind to any opinions.

Thanks soo much.




  1. We have done 1 years worth of homeopathic detox that cost 3,000 dollars.  We began at age 5.5 years, this was 2 years ago.  We began seeing results within 6 weeks, and they continued for 1.5 years.  He has since plateaued, but his immune system is solid.  He does not get sick at all.  He really moved to a much higher functioning part of the spectrum.  He began with moderate autism, now has mild PDD.NOS.  With the DAN protocol I was leary about the effects on the liver and kidneys.  He is now in regular ed., but still receives services.  We were told in pre-k that we should consider residential schools to meet his needs and that he was too low functioning for the autism program.  Last year the autism program evaluated him and said that he is too high functioning and does not meet criteria.

    We plan to repeat the detox with our 3 yr old PDD.NOS son who has never been vaccinated.  We just ran a heavy metals panel on him, results are pending.

    I am on the east coast, our doc in Glen Mills PA but he does do consults long distances for detox.  If you are interested email me and I will give info for you to contact him.

    So you aren't vaccinating anymore?  Good, because there is no point in detoxing if you are continuing to bombard her fragile immune system with chemicals she isn't tolerating.  Also we have had to fill cavities in the oldest, and even though it is medical insurance does not cover the clear fillings on back teeth.  I was told emphatically by our psychologist not to ever get braces, or those metal fillings.  She suggest following up with a DAN doc to check toxicity levels for heavy metals, that doc is in Maryland

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