
Does anybody have a beagle/spaniel mix, and is it aggressive?

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I have a two y/o dog. Mother was purebred Britney Spaniel - father was purebred beagle. Having problems with aggressive behavior over territory. Owner of sister dog having same prob. Hers bit thru her two y/o daughter's hand when she reached for the dog's toy. Mine has bit two kids that have walked into my yard - no serious injury - but broke skin on one kid. I have 2 small kids and a baby, so have to get rid of her either by euthenizing her, or giving her to someone who can try to "fix" her. I'm wondering if it may be genetic?




  1. Behaviour problems (including aggression) are not normally breed specific.

    A dogs behaviour is influenced by genetics (inherited), environment (how it is treated and trained) or it is leaned (association and experience).  It's impossible to say which applies to your dog.

    The dog has to be kept away from children but talk to a behaviourist before deciding to have her put to sleep.  Most dogs can be helped she might just need a different environment (no kids) and some intensive training and behaviour modification.

    There are different forms of aggression and this is the starting point.  If fear aggression is dealt with as dominance aggression it will just make things worse.

  2. Mine is a little aggresive but he's cool.

  3. This may sound callous, but that is two pups from the same litter, and both showing signs of aggression.  they should both be put down.  Not passed on to someone else to deal with.  Maybe if they had been trained as to their place in the family "pack to a dog" when they were puppies, this may not have happened.  But it is to late now.

  4. It's got nothing to do with the breeds in the dog, but rather comes from breeding dogs with bad temperaments.  Either one or both of the parents of these dogs had aggressive temperaments and when dogs like that get bred, they pass these temperaments on to their pups.

    I don't know why these aggression issues have been allowed to continue so long, especially with kids involved.  These dogs are really dangerous and have no business being anywhere around kids!  Passing them on to someone else would be really irresponsible.  At this point, they should both be euthanized.

  5. No dog breed, or mix breed, is "aggressive" because of its breed.  If your dogs are aggressive, it is because they are unsocialized and untrained.

    You have miserably failed this poor dog and now try to blame it on the "breed", ridiculous and very cruel.

    Had you trained and socialized the dog, this would not be a problem.

    Try to get her into a breed rescue - sometimes they take mixes, search online for spaniel and breed rescues and see if they can take the poor thing.   Failing that, take her to the Humane Society or SPCA, NOT a kill shelter like Animal Services.   That's the least you can do for the dog who trusts you for its well being - euthanizing her is blaming her for your lack of responsibility - and killing her for it.

    Nothing "genetic" about an unsocialized, untrained dog mixed with small kids and clueless adults.

    Don't get any more dogs while your kids are small, it's a very poor mix - and make sure you learn something about what dogs need before you get another one.

    Your premise - and the solution you consider - are heartless and unforgivable.  This is not the dog's fault, or the nature of any breed, it is your lack of knowledge about what dogs need to be taught.

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