
Does anybody have a big?

by  |  earlier

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  1. YES, is it showing?

  2. your werid.

    thanks for the 2 points tho!!

  3. I'll give my buddy Oscar Mayer your screen name; I never would have guessed from looking at your avatar that you were that kind of girl.

  4. I see the usual high standard is being maintained by those of us  who have appeared to have deserted CE

  5. Nah... prefer frickadellers!

  6. How many have you had tonight Belle? Frankfurters that is

  7. You betcha.

  8. Are you still looking for a man?

  9. All depends how much you play with it...

  10. i'm dying for one !!!!!!!

  11. HUH?

  12. if i knew what that was.. then i might or might not

  13. Have some class :P


    Here's your frank n furter belle

    We are travelling the world tonight lol

  15. No, but I really fancy one tonight. If you have a spare pass it on!!!

  16. pmsl,here have mine.

  17. In my mouth

  18. can I borrow your net? i want to hunt one

  19. in my freezer waiting for warmer weather so i can BBQ it!

  20. Isn't it past your bedtime.

  21. I do.  It's more like a kosher foot-long, than a regular hot dog!

  22. would you like to find out

  23. I bought one at Target today at 75% off.  You should see how big it is!

  24. Wow... well thats quite a question :) I'll be back in Germany in about a month... if your still in the market- I'm sure I can help you out :) Roy

  25. i prefer to call it a feeling

  26. OMG. Don't tell me; Schultz is dead!

  27. Yes in my ice box

  28. As a matter of fact i do....well medium but it has satisfied customers for about 10 years or so....if it ain't broke don't fix new year....good luck with ur bigun

  29. No the supermarket was shut today!

  30. Tim Curry might... He does a very good Frank N Furter. lol

  31. he he he fo' shizzle

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