
Does anybody have a single 12" sub box in their ford ranger? I need the exact dimensions, I want to build one.

by  |  earlier

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I need the dimensions for the single 12" sub box the goes behind the driver's seat in a Ford Ranger super cab. I'm looking to build one for myself but I cant find dimensions.




  1. no

  2. this depends on the sub?  also if you just want sealed or ported     35 wide 14 high by 10 deep will give you a volume of 2.83 which would be great for a poprted box. port pvc 4 in by 10 inches deep will land your tuning freq around 38. hope this helps

  3. I checked out ebay, the were some sub boxes on there that gave dimensions, but sure if its exactly what you are looking for. You might email one of the sellers and see if they can get you any additional info. might help as well.

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