
Does anybody have actual good proof of alians

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Does anybody have actual good proof of alians




  1. No.

    If someone did, then there wouldn't be any non-believers.  Everyone would know about it.

    Think about it.

  2. No.

    UFO/space-alien proponents tend to argue that the statistical non-impossibility of space aliens is enough to consider space-aliens a viable explanation for various phenomena that are conjecturally attributed to space aliens:  UFO sightings, cattle mutilations, and so forth.  Occasionally the argument becomes circular, claiming that these attributions themselves provide the prima facie proof of the offered cause.

    There are many organizations promising to look for proof.  Invariably these organizations eschew scientific methods in favor of speculative and misleading methods apparently intended to continue hyping the ET theory for UFOs and related phenomena.  They seem to be more interested in remaining relevant themselves, and in fleecing the adherents to the UFO "religion" than in actually making a scientific case for their claims.  Many of them seem to be merely specialized incarnations of anti-authority, anti-government political action, hence there is a whole "coverup" subculture in UFO circles.

    In short, the UFO proponents are trying to keep the question controversial, nebulous, and unfalsifiable so that they can continue to garner attention and reward.  If the question were resolved either way, they would cease to have a purpose.

  3. If you mean foreigners, they yes, there is lots of proof.  Its very well documented.  If you mean space-people then there isn't any proof.  If anyone claims they do, they are either lying or delusional.  Unless of course they can either introduce you to a real alien or get you a ride on his spaceship.  Then I'm delusional.  

  4. I do, but the aliens won't let me release the proof.  They're much smarter than people than to just let us release their proof.  The people, like me, who have the proof, also have an embedded sensor that monitors our behavior and senses when we are releasing sensitive information.  Ouch!  There it goes again.  I better stop posting any more info.  Ouch!  Ouch!

  5. Not yet.

    People used to think they saw fairies, elves, trolls, things like that. Then after the industrial age and flying machines people started claiming to see ufos and aliens. Where did all the elves and fairies go??

    Even though there are billions of stars in our galaxy alone and life may be out there, there is no hard evidence of life other than on our planet.

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