
Does anybody have amazing abilities ("super powers")?

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i'm doing research...does anyone have an amazing ability "super powers" such as healing or reading minds or muscle mimic...etc...

i know how it sounds but i'm being serious!




  1. If anyone claims to have special abilities, be skeptical.

    There is a $1 million dollar prize to be won if you can demonstrate your ability in a controlled test (i.e. no trickery allowed).

    This is known as the JREF challenge. Thousands have tried for it, but none have made it past the first stage.

    If you think you've seen someone with a paranormal ability, there's probably a natural explanation, no need for the supernatural. Finding natural explanations for seemingly strange phenomena is much more interesting than making stuff up to explain it.

  2. Stuf pops into my head too. I can get something in my head and then it happens or somebody says it a few minutes later. I can even tell what voice it is. I cant read minds like Tosha B. says she can.

  3. I have helped (believe a higher power; God) healed.... some people...sometimes from across the country...

    often astral travel...

  4. You aren't the first to research this.  Many people have claimed to have super powers.  Strangely the abilities evaporate in a controlled environment.

  5. Yes. In a recent question, I revealed one of my superpowers: I can open a can of spinach using just my butt muscles.

    So now I will reveal another hidden superpower of mine: I've learned to defy gravity with one of my body parts.

  6. I can read minds, but can't always control it.

    Sometimes random stuff just pops into my head and the next minute I hear someone across the room from me say the exact same thing.

    One time that I could actually control it, I read my friend's mind.

    Also when the phone rings I do not look at the caller id and do not have a selected ringtone for each person but i know who it is calling.

  7. i can directly interact with the spirit realm. other than that no

  8. You DO have amazing abilities; if you don't believe it, just look around at the more-unfortunages, who has missing limbs, or can't see, hear, speak, walk, whatever.   I DO have dreams, but they aren't usually 100% accurate; a few are, but most has to be pieced together.

  9. Yes...Spiritual Powers do exist...

    There is vast power...when there is vast peace.

    But...Only those who won't use them, have them.

    That is the most primary truth of spirtual power.

    That these are unexplainable to those who

    don't also have them is the second primary truth.

    You can understand things only when

    you don't hold onto the finite but instead

    see the everything (the infinite) in everthing.

    If you meditate daily this clarity will creep in.

    It is really only seeing reality.... as it is.

    Kind of like how children see the world.

    But, If you try to hold onto the golden wind,

    Then the golden wind disappears,

    because the golden wind

    is not holding on to things.

    I'll add a third truth of spiritual power:

    The testing of reality (lets call it that)

    will always remain inconclusive.

    You can only disprove reality, never prove it.

    Western science itself can only state theory.

    There is no proof for example of ANY scientific theory,

    even the well used Newtons Laws.

    Spirtual aspects are even harder to "grasp"

    because they have no meaning without deeper

    understanding that can only be achieved

    through a letting go of pre-concieved ideas,

    like for example that meditation does not produce results,

    as per the thinking of some  who thumbs downed pror

    even when BTW most deeply spiritual Christian practitioners

    including most Nuns meditate FWI.

  10. I have only seen someone who had an excessive amount of strength when compared to their muscle mass. Chances are if an individual does have out of the norm abilities they may not even speak up about it so you may not have any luck finding subjects. You can probably only speculate that there may be more evolved individuals that use a larger % of their brain and have increased abilities, that the average human does not possess. Heck all those child prodigy kids that graduate college at 10 seem to have super brains at least, that should be a start.

  11. they are amazing only if you have been reluctant before seeing/using them.

    normal normal normal.

  12. Are you asking if anyone on here has these abilities or just anyone at all in the world?

    I'm unclear on the question.

  13. I love that show "Heros" but it is based on comic books not real life. In fact the first season was based around a comic book artist.

    In real life such abilities have never really been demonstrated to exist. Lots of people make claims, but have not been able to demonstrate them outside of illusions and trickery.

    The closest you will see to super powers would be someone like Jet Li who spent his life studying Kung Fu.

  14. Sure many people have amazing abilities.Not superpowers like healing or reading minds or telekinesis.Look at Doctors,athletes,artists,engineers the list goes on and on.Amazing,yes and all completely natural like granola.

  15. is in the believe or not believe

    With God all things are possible

    God uses a person when there is a open and obey if he calls on you............if he calls on you you will not have to worry for he will tell you in the exact timing.

  16. yes i do its called Empathy, I had it from my mother who is also an Empath which is and can be hereditary power. Empathy means i can sense other people's Emotions even from a great distance like what happened on 9-11

  17. i have a very strong intuition.

  18. my lover is powerlifter. he lift stone over head, father and brother together cannot lift off ground.

  19. I have unusual leg strength for my size -- I can go into any gym and max out any leg press machine, even though I don't work out much and definitely avoid legwork (or else my pants won't fit).

  20. I can heal things with my hands. I've been put into a controlled environment and it worked there also. But I don't like poeple so I mostly just help animals. And yes, I've had vets work with me on this and it's true. I don't consider it all that amazing though or a superpower by any stretch of the imagination. It's just a knack.

    And it's not instant, no such thing.

  21. yes, i can tell when i have read a stupid question

  22. yes.. sometimes u meet someone in ur previous life and feels a chill. as if it is real.

  23. yes, i can move things wiv my mind! honestly! y, can u aswell?

  24. i'm kinda psychic; i'm serious.

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