
Does anybody have an annoying brother or sister? I have a sister...?

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Does anybody have an annoying brother or sister? I have a sister...?




  1. I have an annoying brother and a sister. When i do things good to them they just make me look bad to my parents.

  2. u r not alone, we all have one like yours,

  3. I don't. I love my brother we are pretty close.

  4. There are 7 of us & my oldest sister is very annoying. Shes a nurse & thinks she knows more than all doctors.

  5. Yep. I got 2 younger brothers, and believe me, one is enough.

  6. I was an only child for 15 years, I had always wanted to know what it was like to have what people called "annoying" brothers and sisters. Then in November, when I was 15, my dad and his new wife had a baby girl...I just knew how we would always have so much fun together. I met her at Christmas for the first time...she was everything I had expected. Then I wanted to see her again so I called my dad, and he told me that his wife took the baby and left. Its been four years now and I think of her all the time. I only wish she could annoy me. So when you get annoyed by your sister, just think of my story :)

  7. No I am the annoying brother.

  8. I have a brother and a sister, both younger than me, and they really get very annoying sometimes. You are not the only one with annoying siblings...

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