
Does anybody have any ideas for a Disaster Policy for a residential care centre?

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I am making a disaster policy for a residential care centre for 18-25 year olds. The policy is in case of an unexpected disaster to the building, for example, if a crane fell and damaged the roof, storms etc.




  1. put  disaster policy in your search engine if it something you need to see a copy of or a template for one.

    make sure insurance premimuns are paid.

  2. Head count would be my first concern, then the decision can we, or should we leave the building (is it safe)?

    In case of storms, tornadoes, hurricanes....generators, food and water, blankets, flashlights, candles.

    First aid kit or supplies, short wave radio or cell phones.


    Decide on an meeting location or central room, or if you are required to exit, a meeting place outside. Make sure everyone is out of there.  Caring for the injured...emergency service phone numbers for downed wires, fires, chemical explosions....most importantly communicate with each other and everyone be on the same page, have drills or practice plans in place..Hope this helps...thank you

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