
Does anybody have any ideas on how to keep track of money?

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Hi everyone. Does anybody have any ideas on how to keep track of money? I'm looking for ways that doesn't cost anything and doesn't involve a computer.

Thanks to anyone who helps :D




  1. every week or day or whatever, write it down in a notebook how much u have, and then minus how much u spent and then equal to how much u have


    Aug 1: $300

    Aug 1: -$50


    Aug 2: $250

  2.   Not a good idea to keep your money under your bed. You must have at least  a savings or checking account (small fee, but then...) where your paycheck is deposited  on a regular basis,  so you normally know what to expect each month (same rent to pay, same bills) . Once that's taken care of, you know what you have left for food and other expenses

  3. Tough question. Scientists have been trying to come up with something for years to no avail.

  4. The best idea I ever got was from my grandmother... She told me to get a journal and write down where EVERY cent went. That way you can really see where you are spending your money and how to start yourself on a budget. Also, any extra change that you get back from some where, throw it in a jar, or something, at the end of the month take it out and count it, you'll be amazed at how much you have.

    Being able to see exactly where all your money goes is going to keep yourself from indulging on stuff you really don't need.  

  5. all of the above

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