
Does anybody have any photo collage ideas?

by Guest21353  |  earlier

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i've just done a heart photo collage in my room,and was wondering does anyone have any good collage ideas or acrylic painting ideas/inspiration, as im looking to do up my room?

all help needed thanks.




  1. a flower one would be cool.

  2. Flower acrylic paintings are sweet~!

    Collage idea, get some old magazines and snip away! The more you cut out the the more crowded, and I think it's looks better. You can't focus on one thing!

    May I see a picture of your heart collage? Sounds pretty cute. :]

  3. glue some photos down then put tracing paper over them and draw thigns or write stuff then paint stuff on it then rip or burn some of the tracing paper and stick it in , then add flowers , stamps , tickets from travel , letters , drawings and add some polaroids or make a border that looks like a polaroid photo for your pictures !

  4. You could do a food collage. CUt out a donut out of a magazine, clip out a pic of french fries..

    Or animals.  

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