
Does anybody have any suggestions on how to make my wife fall in love all over again?

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Me and my wife have been married for 5 years now, but it seems our love have slipped into a routine I'm looking for romantic ways to break this routine and give her the best night of her life any suggestions?




  1. If you have children, set it up with your parents or hers to watch the kids for the night. Send her some flowers during the day and either leave an outfit on the bed (new that you bought for her) or leave a note on her pillow to put on some (nice jeans, skirt, whatever you want to insert here) and that you are going out that evening. Have the flowers sent to her work or home with a note or chocolates. Arrive home with your outfit on (take it to work and change there), with a flower in hand, her favorite perfume in hand, or a bracelet - any token you think she would enjoy. Date her again - make her feel as though your eyes are only on her. Take her to dinner, order some wine (don't get fall down drunk - not romantic. Leave that to another night of fun). After dinner, take her to a nice hotel room that you have reserved for a change of scenery. Bring along a suitcase in the trunk that you have pre-packed. This takes some prior arranging, but she will so much enjoy the fact that you thought of it all and went to the trouble to be romantic. Pack an old photo of the two of you when you were dating. Talk about old times, make plans and see what she might like to do the following summer, watch a chick flick on TV and then have fun! Order room service for the movie if you want - or don't watch a movie at all. Remember what it is that made you fall in love with her and tell her all about it. Let her know you still feel the same way. Best wishes!

  2. Kenny rogders  

    Buy Me A Rose

    He works hard

    To give her all

    He thinks she wants

    A three car garage,

    Her own credit cards

    He pulls in late

    To wake her up

    With a kiss

    Good night

    If he could only

    Read her mind,

    She'd say:

    Buy me a rose,

    Call me from work

    Open a door for me,

    What would it hurt

    Show me you love me

    By the look in your eyes

    These are the little things

    I need^The most in my life

    Now the days have grown

    To years

    Of feeling

    All alone

    And she can't help

    But wonder what

    She's doing wrong

    Cause lately she'd

    Try anything

    To turn his head

    Would it make a difference

    If she'd said:

    Buy me a rose,

    Call me from work

    Open a door for me,

    What would it hurt

    Show me you love me

    By the look in your eyes

    These are the little things

    I need

    The most in my life

    And the more that he lives

    The less that he tries

    To show her the love

    That he holds inside

    And the more that she gives

    The more that he sees

    This is a story

    Of you

    And me

    So I bought you a rose

    On the way home

    From work

    To open the door

    To a heart

    That I hurt

    And I hope you notice '

    This look in my eyes

    Cause I'm gonna make

    Things right

    For the rest of your life

    (Rest of your life)

    And I'm gonna

    Hold you tonight

    Do all those

    Little things

    For the rest

    Of your life

    thought you could use some insperation lol

    hey  a day at the spa  surprise her

    and then a night on the town\

    youll be the man

  3. Wear a post mans uniform and ring the door bell .

  4. Act the way you did when you first started dating. take her on a date bring her flowers,open doors for her, tell her she is beautiful etc.Just show her you can't get enough of her!

  5. with women, it won't fix in one night.. it takes many, many, many nights to get a hint... you need to change your routine.. take her out. make her feel like she is the most important person in the world.. I don't think it takes a great deal, something simple... I am trying to do the same.. you need to think of what is important to her.. if she is at home during the day, get her out..  

  6. its not about one best night its every thing do you help her with things around the house shopping washing clothes doing floors changing the sheets on the bed telling her that she is amazing and s**y and beautiful listen to her when she speak not just hear her listen to her

    its all the little things that get women down it cant be all fix in one night

    try and try again if you make her feel good about her self then that's when things will change

  7. Have risque s*x at an unusual spot.  

  8. While one night of romance is a good thing, it's the things that you do for her consistently that mean the most. First, go back to when you two were new and remember the things you did to win her heart. Things like opening doors for her, taking her out to lunch or dinner, buying her chocolates or surprising her with flowers occasionally, telling her how beautiful she looks today, etc. But now that you're married, incorporate those things with helpful things around the house such as taking out the trash, offering to help with chores such as laundry and cooking or even cooking FOR her on occasion. Offer her nights of cuddling while watching a movie. Even if it's an action movie, something not necessarily romantic, she'll love cuddling with you. It's things like this that you do on a regular basis that keep us absolutely smitten with our husbands and our love going strong for years. And trust me, she'll notice these things, and you'll both benefit from that. Good luck doll~

  9. That is very sweet! you should plan a whole day for just the two of you! Something very special that you have never done before maybe you could get a hotel room and buy her roses. you should decorate the room very romantic lay rose petals everywhere and have strawberry's dipped in chocolate, candles lit, and music! Always make sure to tell her you love her and that she is beautiful everyday! I wish your marriage the best of luck!

  10. It is hard. If she is a mom, it is more difficult to please, because her mind will always sink into house work and the kid. But the thought count. Just do whatever you planned, she will appreciate and love it.  

  11. Dude, when you find out. please let me know,,,,,

  12. Go out somewhere and get drunk, not to the point where you black out. Then go back home around 2 in the morning and have some crazy hot s*x.

    ohh and when i say go out i mean take your wife 2

  13. she has a love language. learn to speak it quickly. some like gifts, some like hugs, some like service ie. mowing, dishes, well you get the idea. hers is probally not the same as yours so learn to speak hers not your own.

  14. That Kenny Rogers song that someone mentioned is a great start. You might also try to recreate some of the things you used to llike doing together before you were married. Anything that let's her know you're thinking of her, you're trying to notice her favorite things, all of that will do - just bring a little romance into your life & give her as much time & attention as you can! She'll notice!

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