
Does anybody have any tips on quitting pot smoking or alternatives?

by  |  earlier

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I have smoked pot daily for the last 12 years, and before you start judging me, went to college for 3 years and received my diploma with a 3.76 GPA in civil engineering. I am about to start a junior executive position at corporate HQs and need to retain ample amounts of information daily (much more pressure than in college), which brings me to quitting pot. I've tried before but have become dependant. If you're asking why I ever started it was to forget about an abusive childhood as I had nightmares as I got older. Pot helps me sleep as I never dream at night, at least, that I can remember when I wake up. Any alternatives? Teas, pills, i don't know.....




  1. quitting pot is about as easy as not buying it since it's unlawful in most parts of the world you have to obtain it through black market trade so just don't go to your dealers house and if offered it at a party or whatever just say no.

    it's not a physically addictive drug like meth or heroin it's more of a psycological addiction so once you leave it alone for awhile your mind forgets it and you no longer want it.

  2. You could start by limiting yourself. I don't know how much you smoke now, but if you "wake n bake" then start by cutting that out. If you only smoke nightly, cut back to every other night, then only on weekends. Then only on occasion.

  3. At some point, you just have to really want to stop and do it!

    Don't hang around where people are smoking pot!

    As far as sleeping, do pushups and situps, drink a glass of red wine, then a glass of hot milk, then spank your monkey - works every time.

  4.'s simple, just stop smoking it, pot is not addictive, "withdrawal" is minor at might have some trouble sleeping for a couple of days, but that is about all.  Heroin is addictive, Tobbacco is addictive, Alcohol can be addictive to some people...Pot...not so much

  5. Once you are ready you will. You need to remove the doubt from your mind and say "I am going to quit" once you have no option but to (for example your new position depends on it).

    I am a burner who has a 6 figure job but choose my times and limit myself during the work week. If you NEED to or CHOOSE to the time will be right when you say that it is. Good Luck....Just remember if your not peeing in a cup at work you don't need to STOP completely.

  6. Quit buying bags of pot, flush out your system with tons of water and don't hang with the potheads

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