
Does anybody have any tips or stories of how they cared of two sick kids while dad was at work for nine hours?

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help i need parenting advice for how parents out there managed to take care of two sick kids mine are ages 4 and 2 1/2 years old i need tips or stories or suggestion cause im only 23 years old




  1. Well, exactly what is wrong with them?  Are they vomiting, running fever, etc.  Just make sure they are comfortable.  If they can eat, give them foods like saltine crackers and chicken noodle soup and make sure they stay hydrated.  Fix them a palate in the living room and let them watch their favorite television shows.  If they are vomiting, then you need to make sure you have some sort of pan near them at all times (especially the 2 year old).  Give them medication if you have taken them to the doctor and he/she prescribed something.  If not, then call you doctor's office and ask what over the counter medication may ease their pain.  Hope this helps!

  2. All they want is mummy so you are probably doing it all.  Make sure they are comfortable.  They are probably a bit irritable but give then soothing fluids.  When they start wanting things to eat, give then easy food, banana, maybe a little ice cream or jelly if they feel like it.  Mashed potato for dinner with whatever they usually eat with it.  They will probably nap aswell.  I used to put mine on the sofa end to end with a snuggly cover or a sheet, if it was hot.  I would put on the tv for only a short time if they perked up with a childrens program.

  3. Patience.  Your kids will probably be really whiny and extremely needy.  Just know that you probably won't get anything done today.  When my kids are sick I don't stress about the house or anything else.  Depending on how sick they are I sometime spend most of the day sitting on the couch holding both my children.

  4. as a mother of TWINS and a daddy that works midnights and is in the military,,,i know what you are going thru.  put everything else on the back burner,,,do not worry about cleaning,,,the dishes,,,yard work,,,nothing,,,stay with your children and just "be there",,,make them "nests" close by,,,keep barf bowls close and lots of kleenex or papertowels.  be sure to have plenty of easy drinks and snacks (juice, gatorade, water, 7up, toast jello pudding bananas).

    when my kids are sick,,the dr says to use the brat diet after they are keeping things down or feeling better, bananas, rice, applesauce and toast.  know that they will not eat much, but try to keep fluids in them and offer snacks when ready.

    there are millions of moms that know your pain.  take it slow, worry about your kids and nothing else.  have hubby pick up dinner on the way home for you (so you dont have to worry about cooking).

    if needed use motrin (for fever/aches pains) as it lasts longer than tylenol.  cool wash cloths make my kids "feel" better.  hopefully it is a 24 hr thing,,,or at least a short lived bug.  take naps when needed (includes you mom) and just wait it out.

  5. This is what I'd say, get the confortable like in pjs of sweatpants. Bring blankets and pillows down and pop in a couple of movies or tv shows. Maybe bust out some age appropriate board games. Let them rest as much as possible and keep them hydrated with plenty of fluids, don't force them to eat because eating takes extra energy away from an already sick body but if their hungry allow them soup or saltines. Keep a bucket near by just in case one of them throws up. Wash your hands a lot mom, you don't want to get sick too. Good luck! =]

  6. You are a wonderful person!

    Keep on , keepin on, hun

    Its called perserverence!!! You CAN do it!! !mommy love is so strong, there is NO LOVE above it.

  7. When my boys are sick( ages 3 and 1) I blow up an air mattress and put it in the livingroom. We lay down and watch movies. I usually let them sip on Gingerale which they love because they don't normally get soda. We snack on oyster crackers or saltines. What they need the most is mommy time. I lay in the middle of them and let them hug me and lay on me. Usually we take a few baths and get in new pjs to make us feel better. If they have a fever I treat them with tylenol. I usually keep everything low key and avoid any chores and just be there for them. That is what they need most when they are sick. Good luck!

  8. I would ask the single moms, as they take care of their children (sick or otherwise) by themselves every day 24/7/365.

  9. I am only 13, but have 6 brothers and sisters. I have pretty much built up an immune to everything but the younger kids get sick all the time, and usually when they get sick it isn't 1 or 2, it's all 6 of the younger ones. This is what we do:

    We put all the sick kids in their room. We don't need them spreading germs to everyone. Then we give them their "sick kit". My mom got the idea from one of those parenting magazines. Have a barf bucket under their bed along with a basket of fun things to do/play with. My mom put crayons, coloring books, tissues, lollipop cough drops (so they don't choke), hot patches (for the flu) and anything else that she doesn't like running around the house for when there sick.

    Once they are all set up in there room, my mom keeps quiet. She will go in and check on them every hour or so. They all have TV's in there room, so she might just sit and watch TV with them. Usually it makes them feel better ust being with momy.

    Oh, don't forget oyster crackers, gingerale, and soup in bed!

  10. I had three sick kids more then one time to care for alone, not a fun experience.

    I did not have kids at your age but does age really matter in this instance?

    Just take care of them the best you can   , the time will go by.

    Make a fun sick day out of it with a tent in the living room with a good movie they like and something for them to throw up in if they don't make it to the bathroom.

    Expect a mess and don't get to frustrated.  

    When the father gets home make sure he stays away from the kids and you so he does not get sick. Boss's at work do not like sick days and money does not grow on tree's. Best to keep whomever brings in the money healthy.

    Wish you and the kids well

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