
Does anybody here know how to play army?

by  |  earlier

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I mean, it's pretty easy: one person lies down while the other person blows the c**p out of them. But what if the person who is getting blown decides to return fire? And how long will it take to reload their gun? Plus, what if the person decides they want to get blown to high heaven!?! I guess you could do it at the same time...

But the real question is: How do you know who wins???

Think about it... ;-)




  1. Growing up, when we played army we'd search for a really good stick and run around with it, hiding behind trees and toss waterballoons at each other.

  2. When playing army, everyone is a winner! =D

  3. You win if your gun fires on the other person's face, heart or abdomen twice, *or* if you cleverly re-load their gun from behind lines so they fire in your face, heart, or abdomen.

    Unless the score is 69.  Then it is a tie.

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