
Does anybody here???

by  |  earlier

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play volleyball? ive been playing since 4th grade.




  1. Of corse!!! im a freshman and i've been playing since 5th grade!!!

    IT's the best sport ever!!!

  2. yes. LOVE volleyball its my favorite sport ive been playing (on a team) since 5th grade but i took lessons since 4th.

  3. R U KIDDING ME??  I LOVE VOLLEYBALL!!  it's the best sport ever especially whe you get to surprise the tall ego crazy girls with power hits that blow their minds out.  VOLLEYBALL REWLS!!

  4. yup proud libero=]

  5. I've been playing since 2nd grade and i LOVE it!!!!

  6. oh, i LOVE LOVE LOVE playin volleyball... best sport ever!!

    been playing since 6th grade

  7. nope! i play bball!

  8. Yeah i play. I love it. Im middle hitter and i really like it but honestly id rather play a Lebaro or setter. I've been playing since 2nd grade because thats when the camps started around my area. But I love it because its the only sport you can get away with hitting balls at other people :) lol

  9. Ya!! I play v-ball and it is great!! I love it it is so0o0o0o0o0o much fun!

  10. good sport.

    i love playling it.


  11. ya, not on a team, i am trying out though, i am a pretty good player i think though
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