
Does anybody here think there is money to be made in real estate in todays economy?

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If so, please explain which area of real estate.




  1. Of course.  The same is true in any sector.  The pivotal point is your observational skills, market knowledge, and negotiating skills and/or leverage, as well as the seller's desire level to move the property.  You may need a longer timeline. Some say real estate will rebound in 12 - 18 months, some say years.  At what price level are you looking/willing to purchase?  How much will be cash, versus how much will be borrowed?  What are your opportunity costs over 12 - 24 months, versus if you had yoru money in another investment?  Are you talking rehabs/refurbishing, where you can invest your own sweat equity, or are you talking strictly cash transaction(s)?  All of these are required to give someone an intelligent answer to this question, as well as what market you're planning to look in.  Regardless, the opportunity to drive a hard bargain and multiple "lowball" offers, has never been better.  If you're set on property, look at many properties, and willing to walk if you're aggressive offer(s) is not met, then all the best to you.  Do your research.

  2. Absolutely there's money to be made, but it all depends on your strategy. Are you looking to rent it out- if so think of everything that goes with it maintenance, vacancy, non-payments from tenants leading to eviction, etc. Factor these in since things happen. You make money when you buy not when you sell especially in today's economy and fix and flips. Meaning you need to make sure it is a good deal in today's value.The best thing to do when getting started is get educated and find a mentor. Network with everyone.

  3. Everybody here thinks there is money to be made in real estate, its what most of us do - and if you pay attention, you can tell which ones are full of $

    I buy three houses a month in the worst economy in the country and I sell them faster than I can buy them.

    As for which area - the one your good at, you will need to look at your finacial situation, your ability to handle people and what you really know about real estate. Maybe you need to educate before you lose your shirt trying to invest. This is a get rich deal - but not a get rich QUICK deal


  4. Yes there are still people purchasing homes, commercial, buildings, and land. It has slowed down and has not stopped.

    Only be ready for rich foreigners to start sweeping things up.

  5. Now is the time to buy real estate.  The real estate market is cyclical.  I'm buying another property soon--in Florida.  Why?  Because I can pick one up, as a rental investment, for cheap dollars.  People in this particular Florida town are afraid to buy now, because of the hurricane threat. So what?  

    If you have the means, you should be making smart purchases--now.

  6. My mom got into real estate and she doesn't even do it right now because it is still slow..she ended up getting a new job because she was spending more than she was making off of it. I think more people are losing homes than buying new ones. Probably not the answer you wanted to hear but that's what I know about it...Hope it helps

  7. Yes, there is always money to be made in real estate. The game hasn't changed any, just some of the rules and strategies.

  8. of course, there lots of money to be made from real estate

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