
Does anybody kiteboard? i live in minnesota and want to start, but I am not sure if Mn's a good place to kiteb

by Guest11124  |  earlier

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Does anybody kiteboard? i live in minnesota and want to start, but I am not sure if Mn's a good place to kiteb




  1. Well, where will you go?  Do you want to play in waves?  You'll have to go in Lake Superior.  In that case, jeez, wear a wetsuit or something.  Of course, maybe you Minnesotans are more tolerable of the frigid temps in that lake.

  2. Miami is a good place to kiteboard. I've had friends who bought beginner lessons from this school called that offers all these cool packages depending on your level.

  3. If you've got lakes and a good breeze, you can kiteboard.  I would advise looking for a place to take lessons so that you learn how to control the kite and getting the basics down.  Will save you lots of frustration.

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