
Does anybody know, where I could locate a Beta player, or beta to vhs adapter?

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Does anybody know, where I could locate a Beta player, or beta to vhs adapter?




  1. I'm not sure Ebay is the right idea. Beta machines have not been sold in the US for many years, and anything you find is going to be old and unreliable.

    You should be able to find Beta players from Mexico. They were built and sold into Mexico for many years after they were discontinued here, so it stand to reason that you could get something better this way.

    Start by posting your question in Y/A - Mexico. Go ahead and ask in English, you should get responses in English.

  2. The only way to find a betamax player at this day and age is good ol' ebay:

    -Michael Bolman

  3. The only place to find a Beta player is eBay, or try to get lucky at a thrift store or Goodwill. A Beta to VHS adapter doesn't exist, since the tapes are different sizes and run at different speeds. They are completely incompatible, hence the format war between VHS and Beta.

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