
Does anybody know a number to call and get community service hours?

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does anyone no a number that i can call to get community service hours. my friends and i got introuble for vandilism and we hvae to do 15 hours of community far i have done around 2 and a half and i need to get up to 15. i live in flemington, new jersey and i really really need help.....please help me thank youu




  1. WHOA!   I grew up in Flum-dum, NJ,,way back in the day ~ Is there a recycling center?F ind the NORWESCAP people ( a communityactiion program), or get your probation people on it ~ that's their job. I'm real familiar w/the community action haps in Flemington. If you have special interests, all the better; check oout LegalAid, literacy programs. .  and feel free to say Neysa Kokinos(ex-CA.P.) or Beverly Smith, board member of Legal Aid for a bazillion years are your referral people. Incidentally, an asignment of 15 hours means your vandalism wasn't too severe, you have no priors. . . could you get wisdom in action, learning that vandalism's a bummer, andcome upwith a proactive plan of your own based on restorative justice? I betcha I know you or whose child you are ~ be in touch.You DO have cool resources!! Peace!!

    And, for Pete's sake, vandalize your OWN stuff, not public property. . ..Fell free to e-me, homeboy/person ~ Flemington used to be a beautiful  place. Best Wishes & Hapy New Year!

    Neysa  from Flemington

  2. Doesn't the precinct assign you hours? I wouldn't know where else to look.

  3. If you are still in High School, then talk to your school counselor. Otherwise, you may want to contact whomever represented you when you were being sentenced.

  4. You need to find a volunteering opportunity and to ask the organization if they will sign off on your community service hours BEFORE you begin volunteering. For the USA: VolunteerMatch (, Idealist ( and CraigsList ( all list volunteering opportunities with thousands of organizations, including many in New Jersey. There's also this government sponsored site ( which provides volunteer positions through USA federal land agencies like Fish & Wildlife, Forest Service, National Parks, etc. Also, contact your local volunteer center; you can find this via the Points of Light Foundation web site (

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