
Does anybody know about alternative biofuel? see link?

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I have been reading about this biofuel. It sounds like a great alternative to the soaring prices at the pump. Check this out and tell me what your thoughts are.




  1. consumer affair are waning people about scams during the fuel price crush.

  2. im sure whatever miracals this plant is planning on turning out it wont last long

    the elite will have that place burned to the ground

    no one seems to remeber that austrian scientist that solved cold fusion back in the 80's

    maybe thats becuase he was killed and all of his information and work on cold fusion was destroyed

    hmmmm geeee i wonder who did that??

  3. I burn waste vegetable oil.I ran so far 2 months on free fuel.Maybe 10 gals diesel to purge cylinders at night.

  4. It sounds vaguely bogus.  They make something they call 'Vertroleum,' but it's impossible to find out much about it or what the company actually does except for holding seminars and issuing press releases.  One reference says that Vertroleum is made with wood chips and algae, and that its composition is identical to crude oil.  My guess is that it wouldn't be too hard to take a barrel of out-of-the-ground crude oil and paint the container green, with a forest scene on it, and sell stock on that basis.

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