
Does anybody know about any jobs that are under the table in san jose ca ?

by  |  earlier

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Does anybody know about any jobs that are under the table in san jose ca ?




  1. Dang, someone is a bit edgy today... You can babysit, mow lawns, house clean, office assistant to a friend, put ads on doors, tutoring, sign wave, and that about covers it... But that's cheating  not fair that taxes come out of MY paycheck to pay for YOUR house, school, etc... Unless you're under 16 that is, because it's tough to find a job before then...

  2. turn some tricks.

    that'll buy lots of purses.

    quit trying to abuse the system and find a REAL job!!!

  3. They wouldn't post them in a public forum if they's the best way to get busted.....

    Don't you love it when Askers get pissed when you answer honestly......yeah we will comment and not keep it to some taxes if your an adult and stop cheating the system.

  4. vietnamese coffee shops

  5. Hello.  I wouldn't know about any jobs in San Jose cause I live in Los Angeles. But I doubt people will state them here, cause then they will get in trouble.

    But I am sure there are a lot of places you can find, some people that have businesses don't like dealing with all the paper work and just pay people cash. You just have to look around and ask business owners. Look for clothes shops that are smaller in shopping centers (not malls) and if you find a store where the owners are the ones working day and night, they might pay cash (under the table).  Good luck to you :)

    And Sorry for all the rude answerer's  I hate asking certain questions cause I don't feel like dealing with their B.S.

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