
Does anybody know about the earthquake thats going to hit Australia soon?

by  |  earlier

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They said it's going to hit the Western and Eastern sides of Australia and the question is ''Not when but how big?'' and im scared becuase it might be a huge attack.Please tell me all you know about it!!!!





  1. Come on. Any thing can happen at any time. If you live in fear

    Usually earhquakes are localised etc. NZ gets eathquakes like you would no believe. A 4 is normal and happen more than once a week. with hundreds smaller ones. Try living amongst 72 Volcanoes in our region. Last one is 600 years old

  2. This question should have been asked in my neck of the woods.  Earthquakes are unpredictable and can happen anywhere.  There are some fault boundaries in Australia where they are likely to happen.  We cannot tell when, where, or how bad till it happens.

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