
Does anybody know about the secret and the law of attraction?

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How do you really get the law of attraction to work, has anybody got good results so far?




  1. Your whole life is the law of attraction.

    Read the book ' You can heal your life' by Louise Hay.  It is somewhat deeper than 'The Secret'.

    A little, just a little, of how it's worked in my life.  In 2004 I was so burnt out at my job.  So I started saying 'I like my job, co-workers, boss, customers...  Within 2 weeks of saying this daily, I was called back to a job I had been laid off of 3 years before.  A couple of months later I was back at my old job.  And one day it occured to me that I did like my job, boss, co-workers, everything...  I thought I was applying it to my current job, but it all happened at my old job that I got called back to.  (I just wish I had set my sights higher.  Now I am).  Then I changed my talk to 'I love my job...'  And things just keep getting better...  Now I am working on better pay...

  2. I know all about it, and personally believe it to be a total hoax. Things don't just happen, you have to ACT and then things happen. I believed in it when I was younger, but stopped fairly soon after starting because I realized it didn't work. No offense to anyone who's a believer, just personally I don't believe in it, nor has 'wishful thinking' ever got me anything in life.

  3. Have the courage to trust your instincts and be true to yourself.

    If you think that man is fine, go and introduce yourself.

  4. Be daring and do not fear to fail.

  5. There is only one secret: The kaching.

    You gotta have the kaching!

    Get it?

    You have to build your inner kaching.  

  6. I'm Going to answer your Question with another  If That's ok.,,Is s*x appeal something a woman is like born with or is it just another female thing they switch on and off? As in ,,are you born with it? or another way to look at it is you could say it's just another female tactical manoeuvre type of footing you all take.And yet even another way to see it ,,you could say it's both. I just dont know !? A mean Is like an official thing or does it depend who's eye's are looking? You no,,This probably wont help you but you never know eh!,,

  7. It doesn't. It's wishful thinking, and nothing more.  You want something, you work for it.  

  8. There is a definition for what you're talking about. It is called Seduction.

    Seduction isn't manipulating. That is a different word, with a different definition.

    Seduction involves inducing someone's emotions through THEIR OWN PERSONALITY TRAITS. In other words, you cannot manipulate them, you mirror them in certain aspects.  I know this sounds deep, but I have spent a lot of time researching the same thing you are.

    I wanted to know why some guys (even unattractive) get all the action and some don't.

    The people that deny this, are also the ones who can be seduced the easiest.

  9. its a load of bullocks, get out more

  10. The secret is brill it has really sorted my life out or rather i have sorted my life out i got a laptop,money,a fence all round my house and my beautiful bichon dog all by using Rhonda byrnes The Secret book i also teach other people to use it and am now getting the positive feedback so you go for it start by writing a list of things you want then wait to receive them.some things can take a while but i get mine really quickly as the more you believe in it the quicker the results.

    remember to always say thank you when you receive your wishes

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