
Does anybody know any Silly Sally jokes?

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I've been looking for some silly sally jokes (if you know what those are) and I can't find any...if you know any plz tell me!




  1.  A man put his hand down Silly Sally's blouse.  Silly Sally laughed and laughed and laughed because she knew her money was in her pants pocket.

  2. A colleague pointed out to me today that the Silly Sally jokes are the same as the Naive Nelly jokes I had asked him about.

  3. Silly Sally was pushing a baby down the street in a baby carriage.  It got away from her and started down the hill.  Silly Sally just laughed and laughed.
    She knew there was a stop sign at the bottom of the hill.

  4. I remember one from long ago, so not positive about the beginning:

    The teacher was teaching about the Virgin Islands.  Silly Sally just laughed and laughed, she knew the Marines had been there.

  5. silly sally came home one day,her mom said oh your daddy is goin to be madddd at you because your burned the barn! silly sally just laughed  and laughed because she knew her daddy was  in that barn!

  6. Silly Sally was in bed one night when a man in a mask and a knife came in through her window and climbed into her bed. Silly Sally laughed and laughed and laughe, she knew she only had one pillow.

  7. Silly Sally walked into the barn one day and saw a bunch of flies a top a pile of cow p**p. Silly Sally just laughed and laughed and laughed. Silly Sally just knew them flies couldn't p**p that much.

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