
Does anybody know any fun activities for 2 yr. olds?

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I am a new daycare worker looking for fun activities to keep 2-3yr. olds busy for a little while. Does anybody have any ideas that are fun and educational?




  1. You can enter this site.There are many activities. Hope it will help you,good luck.

  2. Magnet fishing:

    tie a magnet to a string on the end of a stick to be the fishingpole

    tape paperclips to little paper fish

    use magnet to pick up fish

    very fun and cheap

    i used to do this when I was little, I sat on the washing machine to fish, but i don't think thats safe...

  3. At craft stores they have things called magic noodles. You wet a sponge and put the end of a magic noodle on it for a fewseconds.then put it together

  4. Google the activityvillage.  This site has loads of activities.

  5. Playing in the toilet

    Banging pots and pans together

    Crayons on the wall

    Smearing catsup or chocolate around the floor.


    How about:

    bathtub boats

    marching band (use pots and make drums and such)

    Make a poster

    finger paint

  6. Gross motor Activities [for example]:

    Make an "obstacle course" - use tables, chairs, stools, hoops- and have them crawl under, walk while keeping balance, and at the end they can throw a ball or beanbag into a hoop/pail. Can make different variations of the above.

    A walk - to observe or to collect something specific.

    Stretch to pop balloons [hanging from a clothesline,etc]

    Fine motor activities - some ideas were already given [arts and crafts]

    You can combine fine and gross motor - tape a huge piece of paper so that they have to stand and stretch their arms a bit to color.

    Cognitive activities:

    Memory - have one child leave the room [tell them to first look at who in the room] - ask another child to hide beneath a blanket. The other child comes in and figures out who is missing. [For hints - have the child hiding put out a shoe /hand, etc.

    Play a "directions game " - scatter many objects [known by name to children] on the floor , seat them around in a circle. Call on children by turn and ask them "give me a ball and a car". Make it progressively harder with time and according to their level. This game is good for both scanning [visual] and following directions [cognitive/ receptive language].

  7. Im an art teacher and my kids have a balst doing art projects.  You can make just about anything from some yarn, cotton balls, wiggley eyes, and glue.  You can add simple things from around the house too such as pasta, cotton balls, etc.  I recently did an art project with them where they put pasta into a dried out water bottle to work their fine motor skills (you can also use any other hard dry food), then they colored and stickered the outside while I taped the top on to make some rain makers and they carried them around all day.  They loved them!!  You can also glue any of the above mentioned objects to simple cut outs such as a cat face, a clown, etc and talk with them about texture.

    Trick for the glue: poor a small amount of glue into a dixie cup or other container and let them put it on the paper with a q-tip.  Requires them to use their coordination for the q-tip and the glue doesnt get everywhere either.

    Good luck and hope this helps some!

  8. Fingerpainting;


    Put noodles in a large bin so they can scoop them out into cups;


    Leap frog;

    Using a glue stick;

    Play dough.

  9. There are some good ideas on They have a recipe for playdough you can make at home.  My 2 year loves music. Raffi has some really good cd's for kids. I feel that his music is definately educational. Puzzles are good, playing dressup,

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