
Does anybody know any good gambling tricks with money?

by  |  earlier

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Or just tricks that have to do with money?




  1. always bet on black (at least once )

  2. i got 2

    1 - keep it in ya pocket .

    2 - if ya gotta have a punt ,just for a bit of fun , put a small amount on the horse with the long odds .

    oh & 3 stay away from one arm bandits & roulette , they are geared for you to lose ,

    it's not uncommon for a pokie machine to say it wants to pay out big then the club manager tell you he can't pay out because the machine malfunctioned / or has become defective ( ain't that convenient huh ?)

  3. Are you talking about magic tricks with a gambling aspect?

    You know that routine where you toss a coin and ask your opponent to call heads or tails. You catch the coin in the palm of your hand and flip it over onto the back of your other hand. Here's a trick that works a treat:

    Toss the coin and wait until the coin lands in your palm before asking your opponent to call. He will have just enough time to see that it has landed either heads or tails and he will realise that when you flip it over (onto the back of your other hand) the other side will be face up - so he makes the appropriate call.

    But you don't flip it over!

    As you go through the flipping motion, you allow the coin to slide from your palm to the back of your hand, which means that if heads was face up on your palm, it is still heads face up on the back of your hand after the "flipover"

    I have been using this trick for fifty years and it has made me heaps of cash.

    The look on the face of the loser (who thought he was cheating ME) is pretty to watch.

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