
Does anybody know any good job ideas for an 11 year old girl to do to earn money?

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Does anybody know any good job ideas for an 11 year old girl to do to earn money?




  1. Be very very careful about exchanging money and services/products with strangers. There are alot of nuts out there. You can, at 11, start your own business but you need to get your parents on board with your plans. I would suggest that you check out your local library for books like "Fast Cash for Kids" by Bonnie & Noel Drew. The books (many titles exist) will help you with the basics and offer great ideas. Whether you decide to wash windows or walk dogs or sell algebra textbooks to college students or whatever, run your business with integrity. There are many products and services you can work with but make sure you stay safe from harm. Focus on what you're doing and your customers will find you instead of you finding them!!!

  2. Nope

    Best to ask your parents for an allowance.

  3. I had a 12 yr. old neighbor when I was single and she was a little god send! She would help people out by doing odds and ends for everyone. There was a stay at home mom that would call her over 3x a week so that she could take a shower, clean up the house, spend some 'me' time- even though she was to young to babysit by herself, she would be able to help the mother by keeping the kids occupied so things could get done she needed to.  

  4. babysitting; im 14 and thats just about all i can do.

  5. Honestly, no one will hire an 11 year old babysitter except for maybe your family.

    Try a lemonade stand, sell cookies along with them. Do odd jobs loke raking leaves in the fall and mowing lawns in the summer. shoveling sno, etc etc.

    Mothers helpers also work. You babysit the kid but the mom is home. You just entertain him/her so the mom can get work done.

    Wait til your 12, things will get better. I'm 12 and I babysit a lot.

  6. You could take care of neighbors' pets or babysit their kids for some money.

  7. Walk elderly neighbors dogs, pull thier weeds, change high reaching light bulbs for them. Always tell your parents where you are going first.  

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