
Does anybody know any good modelling agencies for 13 year olds or around that age?

by  |  earlier

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i live in london and i was wundeirng if anybody knew any good free agencies (who lyk only take a bit from your payment) who are based in lnodon and who take in inexperienced models like me. thnx for the help.




  1. go to classes first, then google it

  2. Barbizan

  3. There are no free agencies. Nor are there any who only take a little bit. You'll find as you get older that not much worth having is free - except maybe your family. So talk with them about this ambition of yours.

    So now I've answered your question. Can I encourage you to delete it? Or at least promise you won't respond to anyone who asks to meet you, or IM about modeling or any other reason? It's very dangerous for a 13-year old to post a question like this on a public forum. Perhaps your parents or teachers have mentioned that there are grown-ups who will take advantage. Like the other answer says, go talk to your folks.

    And learn to use spell check ;<)

  4. thats a bit offence x

  5. Uh...I'm fourteen, and I seriously think that you should at least finish secondary school, or maybe even go to college before even thinking about modelling - not saying you won't suceed, but just to have something to fall back on, you know?

  6. talk to your parents

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