
Does anybody know any good recipes for bbq burgers?

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Does anybody know any good recipes for bbq burgers?




  1. stuff cheese in them

    make two thin patties and stuff with cheese of choice then press them together and season with salt and pepper then grill em up

  2. When I make burgers on the bbq, I will buy a 1lb or 1.5lb

    package of choice ground beef, like sirloin, then empty

    the entire pkg into a bowl, then I add about 1/3 cup of

    Worcestershire sauce, 1tbsp of chopped dried onion,

    1tsp of pepper, 1/2tsp of kosher salt, mix well (with your

    hands) then form into patties about 3/4 inch thick.

    Put in a fridge, untill your ready to grill, or

    you can freeze them, with a piece of wax paper in between

    each patty and in a freezer bag for use later.

  3. ~ground beef

    ~onion cut up small

    ~1 egg (keeps everything 2gether)

    ~all the seasoning you like

    mix 2gether in a big bowl

    put in burger shape

    throw it on the grill

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