
Does anybody know any good spells???

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i mean like wicca spells




  1. I agree with the person (i forgot the name already) who said the best are the ones you make on your own. You can usually find a few good sites with spells on the net if you Google some terms related to what you're wanting. If a spell doesn't read right or look right move on to one that does, it will be more efficient.

  2. Reading some of the answers you have some good answers and you have got some real morons with their usual misconceptions about Wicca.  Some people never learn.

  3. From the website, yes. Here you go:

  4. Spells are not purely Wiccan. Magick is practiced by many types of Pagans (and other religions).

    The best spells are those cast with a firm grasp of the religions (in this case Wicca) basics. Even better is if, after learning the tenets of the faith, you write your own spells.

    Spellcasting is not something to be played with on a whim. If you can find a credible teacher -great! if not read everything you can get your hands on (Scott Cunningham is wonderful).

    If all you are interested in is play and getting attention, try the spells cobbled together for Buffy and Charmed.

  5. I recommend reading the Harry Potter books. AVADA KADAVRA!

  6. You do realize that there is no such thing as magic?  It's all illusions.  Do you know what abracadabra means?  Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

  7. you are messing with witchcraft this is unsafe and not good for god does not want us to mess with evil spirits it says it in the bible

  8. yes a spell in the dog and partridge followed by a spell in fagins bar followed by a spell in the alexandra and so on

  9. The best spells are the ones you make yourself because then they are infused with your energy. If you still want to use a pre-existing spell, then I suggest this one.

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