
Does anybody know anything about a group called "PETA"?

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Does anybody know anything about a group called "PETA"?




  1. This is an organization dedicated to hunting the spotted owl. Tastes like chicken.

  2. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

    It's a group that fights for animal rights

  3. south part does a great documentary on them, check it out

  4. Yes, People for the ethical treatment of animals. but the organization has gone way too far in my opinion. They expect animals to get better treatment than humans from humans. They have a good cause, but they take it way too far.

  5. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.  Don't confuse them with Animal Rescue Groups.  They euthanize animals just like the local humane society.  The only thing going for them is they have Hollywood footing the bill.  I wish Hollywood would foot my bills.

  6. yep ,a bunch of frustrated carrot and veggie polar bears taste good....

  7. In Indonesia "PETA" is the acronym of "Pembela Tanah Air" a pseudo military group during the Japanese occupation (world war 2)

  8. People for the Eating of Tasty Animals

    Very popular back home in Alaska!

  9. It's an anarchist group smoke screening under the guise of so called animal rights.  Peta has ties with international socialist/communist organizations.  Peta is & has been convicted in the past for terrorist like attacks on personal property.

    Peta is on the feds watch list for potential criminal activity as well as INTERPOLS list.  Unsubstantiated references have peta also linked with Columbian drug lords, islamic terrorist organizations operating in the Philippines,  as well as north Korean connections.

    Like the Earth Liberation Front & several other anti western organizations there seems to be a common, elitism & quest for back door power grabs.  

  10. They once were a group that was trying to do good for the animals. However they have turned into a terrorist group that thinks anyone who eats meat is a killer. Also throw blood on people who wear fur.

    PETA stands for people for ethically treating animals.

  11. They are a terrorist group.

    Their beliefs are that it's okay to bomb a meat plant and kill 100 people as long as it gets their message across that meat is murder.

    They also don't believe animals should be kept as pets and want all domesticated animals to be released into the wild where they will be free to live their own way, which is ridiculous as any domesticated animal would not survive a week in the wilderness without a human to care for it.

    When PETA finds jobs for the 40,000 Americans that work in the meat industry and comes up with a plan to grow enough bean sprouts and baby corn to feed everyone, I'll pay them a little more attention. In the meantime, I'm quite enjoying my double bacon cheeseburgers, the companionship of my Blue Heeler, and not stepping on cow **** in my yard.

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