
Does anybody know anyways of contacting long lost relatives ?

by  |  earlier

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i know that i have a grandad that lives in goldthorpe yorkshire england. my mums farther he left my nan and my mum and uncle years ago my mum does not have anything to do with him even though he has tried contacting her all her life she does not want to no him but i would like to meet him and get to no him be for he dies or something does anybody know any way i can get some contact numbers or something. please help.




  1. You might try checking the registrar of voters to see if he is a registered vote.

    You might also check the local register of titles to see if he is listed there.

    Good luck.

  2. and others

  3. buy a leather jacket, a motorcycle, and jump a shark.

    that should do it.

  4. get the phone directory for that area and try ringing him up - or people with the same surname as they might know him.

    as a last resort - hire a private investigator.  

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