
Does anybody know history on Flushing Cows?

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Does anybody know history on Flushing Cows?




  1. You can't flush a cow.

    They don't fit on the can.

  2. The term flushing in cattle really has two meanings and I am not sure which you are asking about.  The older term of flushing a cow was used to keep her on a 12 month calving schedule.  A few weeks before calving the cow is put on a high nutrition high energy feed to insure she is in as good physical condition as possible when she has her calf.  After calving the cow starts lactating and generally loses weight.  You want to breed her back within 30 days to keep her on a twelve month calving schedule.  She is kept on the high energy feed during this period to minimize any weight loss.  Twenty four to forty eight hours before she ovulates the cow is given a high corn and protein diet.  Sometimes her calf is removed from her for this period. This procedure is called flushing to insure a high rate of successful breed back in her first cycle after calving.  Flushing is a procedure is still carried out today and has been used for about one hundred years.

    Flushing in more modern times is used as a term when fertilized embryos are removed or flushed from a donor cow to be transplanted in another cow to carry the calf through gestation.  Usually a high value cow is used for the donor.  She will be injected with FHS (Follicle stimulating Hormone) so that she  will release multiple eggs.  She will be bred artificially at twelve hours after ovulating and again at twenty four hours.  Forty eight hours after fertilization the embryos will be flushed out of her uterus and transplanted into other cows.  The history of this type of flushing began in the 1970's and was in wide use during the 1980's to present time.

  3. You flush cows to get the eggs out so you can do an embryo transfer.

    You also give the cow more hormones to reproduce her eggs faster than normal.

    The cows that are flushed often don't live as long and can rarely have a calf of her own because it messes her reproductive tract up SO bad on the inside.

  4. One type of flushing is flushing of animal poo and this is why..beacause offers several advantages for the livestock producer including labor efficiency and a more pleasant if not actually more healthy environment in animal housing areas. flushing facilities are designed  to remove wastes from flush alleys under slatted floors in swine houses, floors in dairy shade barns, and outdoor holding slabs for dairy cows.  Flush gutters are used to help flush..the flush gutters are up to about 3 feet  wide can be flushed successfully with small tanks made from 55 gallon drums- pretty big huh? hung to swing on a longitudinal axle the dump opening is made by cutting out one quarter of the cylinder wall and replacing it with a straight lip running at a tangent to the lower edge of the opening. Steel scrap or lead counterweights are attached to hold the tank with the opening spanning 12 to 3, or 9 to 12 o'clock, as viewed from the ends. The tank can be filled with a hose bib mounted over the tank opening. While dumping, the lip of the tank can strike the concrete floor to stop rotation and dischrge directly down the gutter. To flush a 6 foot (2 meter) wide alley, two drums welded end to end and swung on a common axle may be used. The volume of flush water is usually about 80 percent of the nominal size of the tanks, about 15 gal/ft of gutter width. The striking force between tank lip and concrete floor is acceptable for both single and double tanks. No shock control linkage or swing stops other than the floor are needed. The drum tanks have been effective for calf and swine wastes on troweled concrete up to about 80 feet in length at 1 percent slope. Lengths greater than this require repeated, rather than once or twice daily flushing, to clean the floor. Greater volume per foot of ally width and increased floor slope will improve the flush on longer gutters. This may not be the type of flushing you are talking about... but I hope this helps you... good luck!

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