
Does anybody know how baseball players get hurt from running around the bases?

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i mean c'mon. look at other sports and how much they run. a lot more than baseball players when they run around the bases. so how do other athletes not get hurt running while baseball players do?




  1. Running around the balls is not like running in basketball, football or soccer. In baseball, first off all, you have to follow a specific path. And that path forces your muscles to bend and stretch to where they might be uncomfortable and strain. Also, you have to step on the bases which are surprisingly hard which can result in sprained ankles even even torn ligaments. And lastly, you have to run full force. In the other sports, you can slow down a bit if you get tired. In baseball, you better run your @$$ off. So it's very understanding to see how running the bases might result in an injury.

  2. Well, if a player isn't running before the game, then that's one way. They could hurt a hamstring. Plus, if a pitcher gets hurt running the bases, it's because they're not use to it. For example Chien Ming Wang of the Yankees got hurt running the bases a month ago because he's an American League pitcher which means he doesn't run the bases often.

  3. Well They Don't Stay Warm Alot ! Your Muscles Start To Tighten And Once They Start To Take The Turn From 1st-2nd or 2nd-3rd They Can Pull/Rip  Ligaments

  4. because they pull a muscle after puttinf all their weight on one leg

  5. the same way anyone else gets hurt they pull something or a cramp baseball players just play way more then anyother athlete 162 games is a lot more then football and basketball

  6. Sometimes they turn an ankle on the base and since its a short distance run they try to run faster which could trigger an injury.

  7. because when they run, they "cut" the bag which means they run on the inside of the bag, and they run on an angle.  It also has to do with the shape of the base.

  8. 1.Because it's not nature to run around a square (the bases) , it is easier to run in circle and it's nature that way as well.

    2. For the 1st base, you have to run and stop in such a short distance and meanwhile try not to bump the defensive players. It's hard and risk a greater danger to be injured.

  9. They sit around too much during the game and they are not properly stretched when they attempt to run the bases...running in a pre-determined path is a lot easier then running, stopping and changing direction.  Football and soccer fields have divots...not smooth.

  10. Just ask the NYY Chein Ming Wang.

  11. LOTS of players can get hurt!!!! they could sprain an ankle or somethin like that!!!

  12. It's not necessarily running. Depending on the way their feet or ankles contact the ground when they slide it's very possible to sprain your ankle or break your wrist. Also many times their is contact with the fielders especially with the catcher.

  13. Because of the base itself. Home plate can be slippery sometimes, and the bases can hurt you if you step on them at an awkward angle. Most sports don't have these objects coming out of the ground that they have to step on like baseball does. Of course they won't get injured on an all out run on flat ground.

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