
Does anybody know how to do a back handspring???

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Well im going to restart gymnastics again this Saturday and im in level 2 currently but I don't know how to do a back handspring. I want to learn it but I don't know how to. I want to learn it before they teach me it. Does anybody know how to do a back handspring? If so can you tell me the steps on how to do it. Please and Thank You!

-xoxo LilGirly




  1. I am in gymnastics, and am in level two also. When i learned to do my back handspring i started on a trampoline. If you cant practice on a trampoline, make sure you have mats down so if you fall you wont get hurt. These are the things i did to learn mine. I learned my backhandspring in 2 minutes but my friend who is in the same class as me took about an hour. It all depends how fast you are of a learner and if you dont give up and are determined to learn it. Some things may be scary at first but in order to learn you just have to do it. Follow these steps and you should be flipping in no time!!!

    1. Make sure you are comfortable doing a backwalkover, handstand, and backbend in a standing position. If you are not practice those tricks a few times before you get started. You may want to use a spotter if you are scared.

    2. Practice first by doing a backbend, and then kickover but land on two feet (repeat this step a couple of times)

    3. Once you have the back-"Kickover" down, start to pick up speed.

    4. Get someone you trust, and someone that can carry you spot you when you do your backhandspring.

    5. Try to do your backhandspring with the person just sticking there hand out (hand should be placed right above the hip in the middle of your back

    6. Try it on your own. If you can't do it or are afraid to keep doing it with a spotter... or if you have one use a cheese mat(triangular cusion made out of the mat material)(looks like a slice of cheese)

    I really hoped this helped. If you are practicing on the trampoline try to jump with a lot of power and make sure you have enough height so you wont hit your head. I really hope you learn your backhandspring, and do well in gymnastics!

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