
Does anybody know how to get a mouse drunk?

by  |  earlier

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There is a mouse loose in my house and I don't want to kill it so if I get it drunk I can catch it alive and release it away from my house when it sobers up




  1. dont do that it will die

  2. get the mouse, get a cage or something, and fill a container with alcohol, DUH. but, that's not a nice thing to do now is it. :P

  3. your a sick man.

    I hope you go to jail.

  4. yeah dip some grass or something that they would eat in some liquor and thats it

  5. and why would you want to do that?

  6. Don't do that. That's torturing the poor thing.

  7. hahahaha funny

    but cruel

    but funny to think about

  8. Give it alcohol.

  9. My cat does this all the time.  (see link below)

  10. If its a scroll ball twist the bottom to take out the ball then give em a small pour

  11. Here ya go! ::


  12. Why would you do that? And if you would, why do you have to ask how? The same way you would get drunk. Daaahhh. Don't be cruel to a poor little mouse.

  13. Let it know you are havin a party,and invite him over to your house..make sure he brings his own drinks,as mice are VERY big drinkers.

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