
Does anybody know how to get secret of Google Adwords?

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Hi Friends,

I saw a page They told some secret for Adwords users.But i am unable to understand thier secret.Please help me if anyone have that secret. Or visit that page and give me a short note..Please help me..




  1. There are a lot of ebooks out there to help you but most of them are fluff. The truth is to be good in Adwords, comes from experience and practice.

    Checkout this ebook, it one of the best out there.

  2. Pay the man the money ... that's his secret.

    He posts some c**p about being a really rich dude and people like you pay him to find out how.

  3. industry news-

  4. I do. You need one Google AdWords, two tablespoons of flour, some magic and a LOOOT OF BS!

    Just kidding...

    The site you visisted sells you a strategy for arbitrage. That supposably beats Google. The idea is you pay say $0.01 per click and get people to your site and they click on Adsense which pays you $0.02... and so on.

    Problem is, Google is carcking down on this hard. This is a story about how a company lost a few millions on this:

  5. You can't get google adwords's actually a way to do things where the amount of profit on some words versus the cost of others... turns out to even up the cost. Thus making it basically free.

    But if you really want to know how to use adwords to generate revenue visit the source url below...

  6. Yeah the secret is in finding who is the highest bidder for any

    given keyword.  So, what you need to do is advertise the highest ones.  Or make an article around them and submit them to articles site.  

    You need the software that does the work in finding out

    the highest paying keywords bidders are willing to pay.

    Then you make a website based on this keywords and

    advertise your site.( hopefully people will click on your adwords)  Here is the link for the software maybe it will work for you.  Note that this is not free.

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