
Does anybody know how to go about registering your vehicle in South Dakota but will be living in Mexico?

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I have heard that a lot of people do this who live in mexico so they can keep there american car there but don't have to smog it. They also do this because it's difficult and a big hazle to deal with the Mexican DMV.

From what I saw on the South Dakota DMV website it only looked as if you had to live there to register your vehicle.

Any insight on this would be great!




  1. Most jurisdictions want only people who live there to register their vehicles there. Are you going to lie to the insurance company too? Hope you won't have to file a claim for anything. That's my insight on this--keep it all aboveboard and you're less likely to have problems.

  2. Why not just keep it registered in the state where it currently is registered?  You do not heve to register it in never have to get new tags... I have lived here 3 years, my car is still registered in the state I moved from...but the tags are expired...and it does not matter to the Mexican police.  It is an American car with an American not their concern.  If you get your FM3 at the consulate before soming to Mexico, you can get your cr permit there to and save hassle at the border.  The permit is good forevr if you keep your FM3 renewed every year.

  3. As long as you have a mailing address in S.D I think your fine.

    BUTTTTTTTTT.I think your playing with fire. The tags will make you stick out to dishonest Mexican police and if they are bored they will pull you over and then starts the problems of explaining and who needs it. Just a big hassle.

    What about the insurance and a possible accident as the other guy stated - another hassle.

    Your FM3 status and the vehicle tied to it . Maybe not a big deal BUTTTT..

    Just not seeing how the hassles are  worth any kinda reward.

    Vehicles here are everywhere , every kind , price , size - I thought about bringing my car and glad I didn't. Motor scooters in Acapulco rule. Fun as h**l , Maneuver thru traffic , easy to park , easy on gas , easy to work on , maintains is cheap and can pull right on the beach with the battery supplying power for my tunes. Easy to get my cooler of beer right on the beach.

    Think it over and weigh the benefits vs hassle........

  4. I know some people that do both.

    I know a guy in Acapulco with 1985 stickers on his car.

    In the interior of Mexico as a tourist everything will have to be in order.

    If you are on an F.M.3 then that car will be registered on your F.M.3 and you do not have to worry about you plates or an expired drivers licence ever again as long as you remain in Mexico

    If you take your car to Mexico on a permit it is not only not wise , it is illegal to leave it and will be confiscated especially if your in a car accident.

    I know a gentleman from Iowa that keeps his van registered in the U.S.A. and has a F.M.3. and when he returns to Mexico just shows it and is flagged right through problem free

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