
Does anybody know how to have bigger audience in your blog ?

by  |  earlier

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I want to create a blog for a Band, were we will release information about them, and a weekly updates by the members of the band. I would like to know what is the best way to promote a blog, according to music.




  1. exchange links with blogs, websites that share the same interests as you

  2. full frontal nudity

  3. write good articles?

  4. put the link in other blogs, forums, and on yahoo answers. if you would have put the link in the question i would have gone to it lol. just adveritise the h**l out of it.

  5. ummmmm idk

  6. write something interesting or get more friends

  7. First you need to network (basically look around and advertise, you can comment on peoples sites if they look like someone who might like what you do), Then you start with the updates, If you update with things the viewer wants to see you'll end up with a thing called a Loyalty Chain this means you'll start seeing the same people comment and look at your profile - your fans.

  8. Spam youtube.  write something controversial and post it as a reply to something that it is related to.  Put it at the bottom of emails, put a link in Facebook or Myspace.

  9. To create a bigger blog for this band I recommend telling all your friends (even if they do not like the band) to just spend a couple minutes on the blog everyday. Also go on the pages of big youtubers and write stuff like blogspot. your blogs or whatever your blog's name is.

    These tips werent all that but good luck.

  10. You write comments on all of your friend's pages and say to check out your blog, then on your blog, you write something that attracts ppl's attention. it worked for me. :)

  11. register a domain name for the band.  continue to post new content (bios, show reviews, show dates, etc) on the group and comment on other quality music websites.  add something to the conversation, don't just say

    "check out our group".

    check out how to blog blogs, like

    good luck.

  12. well if you have a band and you play somewhere then you can ask those places if you can hang up some fliers. If you play in more places then after a show you can tell those people to check out your blog. Tell your friends about the blog and then tell them to spread the news.  there are a lot of ways you can spread the news about your blog. if your band is still a small audience band you can go around town and pass out fliers or ask some local music stores if you can put up fliers there.

  13. I'm sure if the band is popular, there will be at least one soul out there that will try to google your band's name then it will spread on its own.

  14. i know this may sound kinds silly but Myspace is a great wesite to advertise your band... everyone is on myspace !!!!!!!

  15. Start shooting performances of the band on video and put them up on YouTube - be sure to create your own YouTube Channel. Create a MySpace and Facebook page that points back to your blog for updated information.

    Offer other big time bloggers (that like the band's kind of music) to do their blog a theme song (for free) or include them in a video if they agree to promote you in return.

    The new Weezer video is a great example of how to integrate things that people love and relate it back to a band.

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