
Does anybody know how to make rock candy? ?

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does anybody know how to make rock candy?

i'm really craving some right now.

homemade rock candy, haven't had it in years!

so, be a doll face and tell me the recipe?




  1. first u will need some rocks, preferably igneous rock

    let it steam in a sauna for 5 yrs then u take it out and let it sit in the rain for 5.343 seconds. after this u get a mongoose to l**k it. it must be a purple mongoose. the mongoose must l**k it exactly 485 times. then u add food die and get a birth certificate and name it kandy

    and u have rock candy


  2. very hard, u can get a kit though at craft stores, very difficult take about 2 weeks to grow also

  3. yeah here's a link to help u :D

  4.     Disolve as much sugar as you can in about three cups of hot water in a 1 quart canning jar. If you want your candy flavored you can add pure maple syrup or cherry grenadine.Extract of vanilla or almond are my favorites.A half of teaspoon is enough when using extracts.

        Dangle a string through the lid to to bottom of the jar.Store it at room temp. You will see the candy form it's crystals on the string over a period of time.You won't have rock candy for several weeks but it is a great science project for kids with a treat as a result. I always have a few jars in the process. Have fun and DIY...........

  5. hi i made some in science class all u do is put sugar in water inside like pickle jar then put good coloring .. then stick a piece of string in it and let it sit for like 2 days then the rock candy will be stuck to the rope and you can just take the string out and eat it .... you can add more then one string if youu want ..  

  6. Rock Candy (Hard Candy)

    2 1/2 c. sugar

    1 c. water

    1 1/2 c. white Karo syrup

    1 tsp. oil flavoring

    1 tsp. food coloring (your choice of


    Combine first 3 ingredients together in a saucepan. Bring to a boil. Cook to 300 degrees for hard crack. Remove from heat and add coloring and oil flavoring. Pour in cookie sheet sprinkled with powdered sugar. After it is hard, sprinkle more sugar on candy. Then break in pieces. (Oil flavorings are spearmint, cinnamon, anise, wintergreen, peppermint.)

  7. just crystallized sugar, right?

    supersaturate a glass of water (ie: put all the sugar in that will dissolve), then hang in (tie it off to a pencil) a thread with a small button on the end.

    give it about 2-3 days.

    that's how we used to make it.

    ...then call and make a dentist appointment.

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