
Does anybody know how you flush out a guttural pouch? my foal has had strangles and its settled in the pouch?

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my 8 month old foal has got strangles. Her abscess popped 1 week ago but we have now found out that her guttural pouch has stuff in it and they are saying that she will either need an operation or they can flush it out. What do they mean by this? It sounds gross!!




  1. Ask your Vet.

    The Merck Veterinary Manual

    Cynthia M. Kahn and Scott Line

    Merck; 9 edition; 2005

    Pg 1212


    Treatment: The environment for clinically ill horses should be warm, dry, and dustfree, Warm compresses are applied to sites of lymphadenopathy to facilitate maturation of abscesses. Facilitated drainage of mature abscesses will speed recovery. Ruptured abscesses should be flushed with dilute (3-5%) povidone-iodine solution for several days until discharge ceases.   ......

    Flush: (2) Flush also means to wash out a wound or body area.

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