
Does anybody know if Barack Obama believes in the Black Liberation Theology of his former church?

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  1. There is no doubt in my mind that Obama is a black separatist.

    He only backed away from his former Church because it was hurting him politically.. He is typical of most politicians today and that is sad..

    Hope this helped...God bless you !

  2. Either he truly does as he embraced it for 20 years or he can claim ignorance in which case he would sure not be Presidential stuff.

  3. It would make no sense to have belonged to that particular church for 20 yrs. if he didn't.


    According to the United Kingdom Office for National Statistics, the name Muhammad has become the second most popular name among male newborns in the country.

    Maybe he'd have better success there, yes?

    Khallid A. died in 01.  Khallid S. is in prison. Neither have anything to do with Black Liberation Theology.

  4. In his first book he vilified his Caucasian heritage.  Also, people simply do NOT go to a church for 20 years without (a) knowing what the preacher believes and (b) agreeing with the theology of that church/pastor.  Oh, and remember that "typical white person" remark of his earlier this year?

    Based on these facts, my answer would be absolutely YES, he believes in black liberation theology.

  5. I would imagine he does. He was very good chums with Rev. Wright & sat in his church every sunday for 20 years, soaking in his sermons, and then had a "change of heart" only when the contents of Wrights preaching were exposed to the media. So yes, I'd say that he still does.

  6. I do not know but he sure was ready to place them in the main stream for hopeful, no doubt, acceptance.

    I wonder what he  thinks about them now.

  7. Don't know, he changes beliefs as often as I change socks, which is daily.

  8. Barack thinks he is God.

    Barak was not born out of the African Slave Trade so what does he care about black liberation.

    When black man rib shoulders with whites they think whiteness rubs off into them and the become white.


    Worship none but Allah!

    There is no God but Allah!


  9. I don't have a clue as to what Barack Obama really believes, and I seriously doubt that he will tell you before the election, if HE even knows.

  10. I wish Khallid Mohammed was running for the presidency of your country.

    Gianni, do you even know who Khallid Mohammed is?

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