
Does anybody know if Payrick Valenzula is going to continue being a jockey ?

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Does anybody know if Payrick Valenzula is going to continue being a jockey ?




  1. You ask "Does anybody know . . . ?"

    I think the answer to this question is that certainly someone knows.

    You might want to try to locate such a person.


  2. P Val has had a lot of chances in the past years. He has had his license revoked because of substance abuse. He has had injuries that have kept him out of the saddle. I think he's had enough. I know a lot of jockeys have alcohol addictions because of weight issues. But he's had his license revoked several times.

  3. I believe this is the end of the road for PVAL. His agent is even urging him to retire... Ron has been one of his biggest supporters until this incident.

    He has had 11 or 12 "second" chances to date, and I honestly believe CHRB has finally said ENOUGH!

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