
Does anybody know if the chicken or the egg came first, what is your best answer with an explanation?

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Please help me I can't figure it out!




  1. Good question. Several ways of coming at this, but it all really depends on where you start from. Where did life come from, who did it...

    a) God/Allah/ deity of your choice did it. Therefore chicken came first, as deity of your choice created animals before eggs according to religous texts.

    b) Science did it. Therefore chicken came first, as current scientifically accpeted principal (don't get me started...) states evoloution, and whatever laid the egg was the thing one step below the chicken in the evoloutionary ladder, and the first chicken laid the first chicken egg.

    c) My mind did it. Therefore all life is imagined, and all external stimuli, such as plant, rocks, chickens, eggs, everything does not exist. Then it really just depends on which you imagined first, and my guess is thats still the chicken.

    d) The chicken did it. Therefore the chicken for obvious reasons

    I choose to discount the possibility that the egg did it, and therefore my money is on "Chicken came first" all the way...

  2. i have a similar question. Did the jedi or midichloriancome first? also, did the laser or light saber come first?

  3. the first chicken hatched from an egg laid by something that was almost a chicken but slightly different.

    just like the chickens that hatch from eggs today don't always look like the chicken that laid the egg.

    in hatchery's today any chicks that aren't yellow (some are black or brown)are thrown away with the rotten eggs.

  4. I ve always wondered why Christians couldnt concieve of God creating evolution.  Figure its a brialliant idea, and it never said God doesnt exist.  

    Id have to say the egg came first, RNA world hypothesis.

    DNA can be thought of as an egg, as a protein could as well. These were the first molecules on the planet and they mroe than likely self replicated.  They then created the "chicken" which then gave rise to the egg.

  5. to tell you the truth there is no way to really know. but my idea is that they evolved from the singe celled organisms and then from the dinasours and finally into our chicken. so the single celled organism came first.

  6. Evolution or creation?

    Evolution= The egg came first when a horney jungle fowl mated with a confused ? hen which then laid an egg which it hatched into a chicken.

    Creation= the chicken came first because God made it that way.

  7. There is no "figuring" this one.  But since eggs are forms of RE-production, the simple logic is that there had to be a chicken first to re-produce.

  8. The chicken going off of that God created all. Just like Adam and Eve..they were full grown adults when they were placed in the garden, the animals were full grown as well.

    If you are looking for a scientific reason then its need to have an egg to have a chicken because the egg hatches to become a chick but you also need the chicken to produce the egg so I'm unsure if its possible to answer this?

  9. you hear alot of odd answers, lots saying do u realy mean this question, lots saying eggs dont exist, some saying chickens are aliens in disguise.


    if you look for the straight answer, its the egg,

    through evolution the main details of a chicken change inperciveably every generation, but at a basic level, its all stem cells and mush, and so, to all intensive purposes, the chicken egg we know today was probably being layed and eaten long before chickens as we know know them were emerging from them, and being eaten.

  10. Well, whichever one came first, they were nice if they made sure the other came, and not nice if they just smoked a cigarette.  Sorry.

  11. if you are religious then the chicken came first. God made every thing for man already complete. This is why man was created last- God had to make everything ready b4 man came

    scientifically the chicken came first b/c it is a product of evolution and untill the first real chicken was formed over the years there was never a chicken egg

  12. Nobody is sure for your answer

  13. From the stand point of science, the egg had to come first.

    The almost a chicken that produced the egg was one step away from being a "true chicken". Once the egg was laid it either had a mutation or developed one. This then became the first "true chicken".

    From a Biblical stand point what was first is only a guess.

    A chicken first so it could lay eggs, or the egg so God could watch it hatch and grow.

  14. It has to be the chicken.  How can you have an egg if its not been laid by the chicken first!!

  15. The egg came first. How could there be a chicken without an egg?

    Here's my logic: The dinosaur (through evolution) had to lay the egg that hatched the chicken, which then led to the chicken species.

    I know it sounds stupid, but that's what science would say.

    On the other hand, the chicken came first because God created the animals.

    So, it all depends on your beliefs (whether they are nonexistent or not) as to which came first.

    Personally, I like the chicken better because I'm a Christian.

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