
Does anybody know if there is any casinos in cuba?

by Guest66900  |  earlier

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Does anybody know if there is any casinos in cuba?




  1. There wasn't where we stayed(Caya Coco). They don't agree with gambling. So very doubtful.

  2. All the casinos were closed shortly after Castro took power.

  3. Once Fidel Castro came in power, all casinos were shut down. It is illegal to have any casinos functioning in Cuba.

    The Tropicana Nightclub in Havana was a popular place with a casino...but now after it was shut down, it's just a nightclub/showplace.

    The same with the Hotel Nacional (and other places).

  4. No casinos.  when Castro came to power he got rid of all that stuff which had given Cuba the title  "the bordello of the Caribbean."

  5. l think gambling is banned in Cuba,enjoy everything else instead

  6. About that, I don't know. Things have become different in many aspects, but I can assure you that we have a bearded comunist tyrant

    To rikki

    By the way, now forced by necessity, prostitution has reappeared in Cuba. Even fidel praised it in one of its speeches

  7. There are not casinos in Cuba. It's against the law. But there is a gambbling game which is calles "La bolita". You have to choose three numbers (one fixed and one not fixed) and a couple of days later the person whici manage the game and collect the money will come to you (in case that you won) and pay you. The results can be hear on the radio (a miami radio station). It is an illegal game, but a lot of cubans play it. It's not usual for tourist, because tourist have really casinos on their countries. Any way...fixed numbers pay more than not fixed numbers. I'm from Cuba.

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