
Does anybody know if this is true???

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Lets say you do not need to wear glasses or contacts for any reason...

is it true that if you wear prescription glasses for a while then over time your eyes will get worse and eventually need glasses.

for example, i do not wear glasses or contacts...but my girlfriend does.

she has a very low prescription i guess like 1.50 or whatever if that makes sense..anyways....if i wore her glasses long enough would i eventually need glasses of that prescription?




  1. That's very possible ! ? !.,. Because Say for instance said  prescibed/made glasses had been made for a specific persons eyes to better or correct whatever is wrong or whatever the case may be ! ? !... Just anyone that might happen to see that those glasses had been left someplace.. tries them on & or keep them... ON !?!  has a good chance of messing up whatever focal range they may have by wearing said glasses for t0o lonG !?!  which could have wrong signals being sent to a persons brain to adjust the eyes to certain degrees !?!  which might be telling your brain/natural senses that this should be the level or degree of ranges that should take place  in order to naturally be able to see with said glasses!!?!! which also in`turn is cOnFuSiNg the brain .. so on & so forth !?!   ...Uh`mMm JUST SAY NOo`,e,'~!!!     ;-D    `'R'`r,r'r`r',.

  2. ok take this as a theory not a fact or anything

    When you look through a persons glasses u see the effect they are going through right

    well if you keep looking through them your eyes may focus to that focus

    notice your eyes start hurting after a while with them on

    so i wouldn't suggest it  

  3. Yes it's true. Your eyes adjust and adapt permanently, just like you teeth when you get braces.

  4. Ha ha. No. You just get eye strain or Asthenopia. It can mean pain in or around the eyes, blurred vision, headache and occasional double vision. But that's the absolute worst case. Usually all that will happen is the inner eye muscles tighten, which can cause the eyes to get irritated, dry, and uncomfortable. No matter how bad it is, giving the eyes a chance to focus on a distant object for a moment should stop any problems. Unless you're wearing them all the time, in which case you could cause permanent damage, especially if you are at an age where your eyes are still growing and developing.

  5. well there's debate over whether it will actually damage your eyes or not, but what is for certain is that it causes you eye strain and headache, if worn over prolonged periods. It does also, I think, cause your eyes to keep having to re-adjust.

    The question is, I think why would you want to wear them if you can see better without!?

  6. No. The ability of your eyes to focus is based on the shape of the eyeball. If you wear her glasses for long enough you will probably have trouble focusing for a while after you take them off, but you won't do any permanent damage. It'll be like sitting too close to the TV.

  7. Yeah, it's not good, don't do it. 8-)


  8. Yes you would.

  9. by wearing glasses that are not meant for you can damage your eyes. your eye will focus naturally so that you can see if you strain your eyes by wearing glasses not for you can change the shape of your retina leading to poor eye sight and the having to wear correctional lenses (glasses)

  10. yes. not of that exact perscription. i used to wear my moms glasses almost 24/7 and they were kinda strong. then wen i was in 2nd grade i had to get glasses of my own. my mom asked why and the doctor said that my eyes got worse becuase of a different vision.  

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