
Does anybody know much about kurdish men?

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Value customs culture food and drink are they similaer to pakistanis? thanks x




  1. I remember reading a while back that Benazir Bhutto's mother is of Kurdish descent, so I suppose that Pakistanis and Kurds have some cultural similarities indeed.  Both sides of her family came from Shia backgrounds, so this is not too surprising.  On the other hand, not all Kurdish people in Turkey are Shia, and, as another poster, noted there is also a large cultural divide between Kurds living in Eastern Anatolia and Kurds living in cosmopolitan areas of Western Turkey.  So, the concise answer to your question is, "It depends on the Kurdish man and the Pakistani in question."

  2. kurdish are the biggest population that they do not have thei own country. this is unfair. every popylation must have thei country, maybe turks must thinking the kurdistan because this is one fair solution.

  3. Kurdish food and drink are different of Pakistan but both of them have some similarity

  4. hi,

    all the  Turkish citizens population are approx. 70 millions.

    please check out these links about the Turkish culture info.

  5. wouldnt know about pakistanis..

    but my boyfriend is kurdish.

    they are okay, the ones in western Turkey are the same as turkish men. the ones in eastern are probably stricter with their women etc.

  6. lol.

    How insulting to both.

    No Kurdish men are not pakistanis and pakistanis are not Turks.

  7. HERE IS TURKEY SECTION! how can i know about pakistani men? i can only guess that pakistani men are more religious . i am from Izmir kurdish men in Izmir nice and open minded. but the ones from eastern turkey are happen to be more traditional and closed minded.  and you can not compare kurdish ppl lives in turkey and the ones lives in Iraq. kurdish ppl lives in turkey are blended with Turkish culture and they are very much so different than Iraqi neighbours.

  8. i feel very bad about the Kurds as they are a 20% minority, yet Turks treat them like 3rd class citizens, I hope one day there will a country named Kurdistan for those people, maybe it will be a poor country at first, but much better than being in a country where noone accepts you and lack human right issues.

    Edit: Bullsh*t Tronsky, Turkey has far more human right issues than Greece.

  9. forgive me but when i hear this word "kurds" who were killed many innocent civilians in turkey i'm being a racist ok. im gonna tell you a real story i saw these kurds when i'm abroad who were speaking turkish in front of me in a bus i told them that i'm a turk they laughed at me and said "when europeans became a Turk" and added "who is Ataturk anyway" so maybe some of them like that but still i don't wanna know anything about them

    Trotsky vs Kerensky > now i feel closer to you tell me about it greek government recognizes Albanians as a labor not as a minority as for Turks we never recognized all they do is to keep telling us you're greek muslims or slavic-muslims or roman-muslims etc. but never a turk  yet, i want to believe in alexis zorbas :)

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