
Does anybody know of a pill, capsule, or tablet that causes weight gain. I have a very hard time gain weight.?

by  |  earlier

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Please no food answers I eat a lot, and lift. I heard that brewers yeast can cause weight gain but I do not know in what form.




  1. Talking to a dietitian is the safest way... that way, you can work with them to set up a meal plan and exercise regiment to help you gain weight.

    The "powder supplement shakes" should only be used as an assistance to diet/exercise, not as a soul source. The biggest reason is that starving yourself of other nutrients is bad for health and could prevent you from gaining weight. Plus the fact that you won't gain healthy weight from it unless you exercise when you take the protein powders.

    Also, to note, the WORST way to gain weight is just to eat more... it's moreso eating the right things to gain the weight to make sure you're getting more of the healthy stuff.

    For what it's worth, I have had the same problem gaining weight most of my life. I've been at around 140 pounds for the past 10 years or so, but I started taking Tae Kwon Do and working out a little almost a year ago. I've also taken Protein powder after most practices to help build my muscles.

    I've gained more than 15 pounds of muscle in the past year... it could have been more, but I didn't workout every day  ;-)

  2. I feel ya...I eat all the time and can't gain anything.  Very high metabolism.  You can buy some protein powder or weight gain powder to make shakes.  I have this stuff called Mass x*x from tastes really good but I can't seem to include it in my diet everyday.  IDK Y?..It is good though and 1 shake mixed with milk has over 900 calories and 75 grams of protein.  Good Luck I know it sucks.

  3. just go to a local gnc or grocery store and start buying whey protein or any of those muscle shakes. those will make you pack on pounds

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