
Does anybody know of a way?

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Does anybody know of a way to remove skin tags without having surgery?




  1. Someone told me you can tie a thread tight around the base of it and it will fall off, but I have never tried it.

  2. cleanse the area and snip it off with scissors.

  3. If they are small enough, you can just slice them off with a razor. But this really only workes when they are tiny, otherwise thats just too much blood.

  4. Tara is right you need to cut off the oxygen in them if you can get under or it to tie a thread around it and cut of the blood flowing to it, it will crisp up and fall off. You could even cover it with a band-ade so it is not a noticeable mole with a string on it.

      At one point you actually feel it working it is hard to explain but after a day or three you get a little drained from the fact that it is about to remove itself from your body.....weird!!

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